An Unseen World's Mission
First of all, there is no "us" at An Unseen World. An Unseen World was conceived and created by Gary Goodworth (that would be me) in an effort on his part to do what Jesus commissioned the Church to do: Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 The main mission of An Unseen World is to get people to consider who God is and what He has done for them. The secondary mission is to have a site people would be interested in and would want to keep coming back to. This is an ongoing process.
The bonus to this is that I have to spend more time studying and researching the bible to come up with these articles and I have not even begun to scratch the surface of what is to be learned.
Who wrote the articles at this web site? I am the author of most of them based on my biblical research and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The joke pages have been compiled from joke newsletters I receive. As far as I know, the jokes I use are public domain. If you see one that is an infringement of copyright laws let me know and I will either remove it or give credit where credit is due. However, you have to prove authorship for me to do that.
Some of the pages here were written by others who wanted to share their stories or insights to certain subjects. If you have a testimony and would like to share it with the world, contact me using the form below.
An Unseen World would not have been possible without the website building tool called Site Build It! About all I know about website building is how to change font colors and make new paragraphs. SBI! allows me to concentrate on content rather that the technical aspect of building a website. If you have a business of any kind and want to promote it on the Internet or if you have a subject you love and would like to build a site
around that subject that guarantees you will be listed in the search engines, then Site Build It! is the tool for you.
Just look what I've been able to do with SBI! There is a link to SBI! on almost every page of my website. It it is the best deal on the internet.
I am a 62 year old married man (and have been so for 38 years), with 2 grown children (a son and a stepdaughter) and now have 8 grandchildren. I live close to Chattanooga, Tennessee in the USA. I am a former lay speaker in the Methodist church, currently attend the church that evangelist Perry Stone grew up in which is Mt. Olive Ministries, and have been attending this church since 2004.
Jesus said in John 15:20 If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. It was the religious people who was the most critical of Jesus and the same is true of the people who are critical of my site. Religion gets in the way of a relationship with Christ.
I just try to be true to God's word and, hopefully, help others in the process.
I did have a contact form on this page but due to massive abuse of the form, I have taken it down. You can contact me at
Gary Goodworth
An Unseen World's Mission Statement was made with: